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Practicing Self-Care For Stress Management

By March 15, 2019April 15th, 2023Fitness & Health, Personal Development

Life could be hectic at times. We could get so busy with daily responsibilities that we forget to take care of ourselves. Especially when building a business, working in your career, raising kids, etc. Whatever you do can sometimes get a bit overwhelming with the demands of life.

When we’re not making self-care a priority, it could affect our physical and mental health. Our goal is to live a happy and fulfilled life. So, making self-care a priority should be put on top of the To-Do list.

Self-care isn’t a one time deal. It is any activity we do to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. It’s a way of living to help you feel refreshed, rested, and energized. Remember, self-care is not selfish. Because, you surely can not serve from an empty vessel.

Practicing Self-Care Can:

  • Relieve stress
  • Increase your chances of living longer
  • Feel happier and better about yourself
  • Help you sleep better at night
  • Grow stronger muscles and bones
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Help you enjoy a quality life

Self-Care Ideas:

  • Take a day to pamper yourself
  • Stretch, Deep Breathe, Meditate
  • Take a vacation
  • Take a walk in a park
  • Get a massage
  • Journal
  • Work in a garden
  • Read your favorite book
  • Take a soothing bathe
  • Enjoy the sunshine
  • Get plenty of sleep/rest
  • Do something crafty

When you have a “Go Go Go” attitude… be careful to also listen to your body. Taking breaks is an important part of the “process”. Take time for self. Access where you are and where you’re going. Then, jump back in the race “after you’ve recharged”.

Practice self-care for stress management. Make self-care a priority.

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Erica Mathews

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Erica Mathews is an entrepreneur, author, and business coach. Helping people start online businesses, create multiple income streams, and live their best life. ***Work With Erica... ***Shop her online store at...

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