As of today -2012, there are 5 main Social Media platforms that I’m going to share to create a presence for your online business. This way you can connect with clients, customers, and grow your business online.
There are two types of people on the Internet…. shoppers and browsers. People are searching online for information and answers to their problems. Your product or service could be the solution for your target market. So, in order to get your message in front of a broader audience, it is crucial that your business leverage at least one of the top social media platforms.
Many businesses are now coming on board with the new age of marketing so that they can enhance their brand, engage with their customers, and seek out new business. With your business being on at least 1 of the top 5 social media platforms, your business would have the potential to attract more traffic back to your business.
The new age of marketing is all about growing your social database. You can no longer rely just on your email list to grow the number of contacts for your company. Now you have to think about reaching out to a new audience, one that is active on social media. -Hubspot
Here are 5 social media platforms to help increase your visibility and grow your business.
1. Facebook
As of 2012, there are over 955 million people are using Facebook. Facebook is a space where you will like to connect with your target audience on a consistent basis. You can share valuable content, tips, and promote your products/services. Build your audience by inviting users to LIKE your page. Add a profile picture and a banner. The banner size for the new Facebook timeline cover image is 851px x 315px.
2. Twitter
Twitter is a goldmine of ideas and conversations with over 140 million users. I have built several business relationships using Twitter. 41% of business owners say that Twitter delivers great value to their business. In order for Twitter to be beneficial to your business, you have to build relationship and be social. Remember, people do business with people they know, like, and trust. In 140 characters, you can tailor your message to your target audience. Use the Hashtag (#) sign to direct your message to a particular group. The key to build your followers is to be interesting, educational, informative, and motivational.
3. Youtube
Youtube is the second largest search engine with 4 billion views daily. Video is a great way to grab a person’s attention and has become one of the top marketing tools for some businesses. When using Youtube you want to be findable using keywords and you want to be sharable by embedding links. Before you end your video, give a call to action. Find an entertaining method to attract new viewers daily.
4. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a site for professional business to business networking with over 175 million users. Business owners use this platform to find targeted leads. Share useful articles and resources that will be of interest to customers and prospects. Grow your network by joining industry and groups related to your business.
5. Google+
Have you tried Google+ yet? Google+ is growing at an impressive rate… 250 million registered users in less than one year. Google+ offers business profiles, but you need a personal profile first. Having your business on Google+ will improve your results in Google search.
-Instagram: 10 Ways To Grow Your Business Using Instagram
-Pinterest: Pinterest Tips For Business
Erica Mathews
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