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Time Management Tips To Increase Productivity

By March 14, 2019January 8th, 2022Business, Personal Development

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day?

Are you overloaded with To-Do’s and Must-Do’s?

In today’s modern time, it may seem very difficult to keep up with the demands of life, family, technology, and even social media. But, having systems in place will help to ease overwhelm and to help you become more productive.  As business owners, we must utilize the most valuable asset that we have, which is time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, but it’s what you do with your time that will count and will determine your results.

When I first started my business online, I was a bouncing stress ball.  My daily tasks were working with my clients, marketing my business, blogging, building relationships on social media, answering emails, designing websites, etc. Whew! Each day I felt like there was absolutely no way I was going to get all of that stuff done and still keep my sanity at the same time. Talk about a setup for disaster! I quickly implemented a plan, strategy, and systems in my business to help manage the task that I did daily and on what days.  Once I did that, my days started to go smoother and I started getting more things done in a timely manner.


Here are a few simple time management tips to help stay focused and increase productivity. 

Tip 1:

Do more of what matters and less of what does not.  Decide what make you the most money right now.  Focus your attention on IPA’S -income producing activities.

Tip 2:

Work more on the task that will help you get closer to your goals.

Tip 3:

Find out where you are wasting time then stop doing those things.

Tip 4:

Delegate and Outsource the things that will take up to much of your time.

Tip 5:

Use tools and systems to help you stay organized. There are a ton of tools and systems available these days to help your online business run an operate better.  Do your research for what’s a best fit for you and your business.  Because, there is not a one size fit all or magic solution.


Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

-Set Goals, Plan, And Prioritize.
-Organize Your Workspace.
-Eliminate / Block All Distractions.
-Focus On 1 Task At A Time.
-Create A Systematic Way Of Doing Things.

Time management tools I use on a daily basis.

  • Smartphone (apps are awesome!) -social media apps, paypal app, photo editing app, etc.
  • Evernote
  • Editorial Calendar
  • Daily Planner
  • Online Scheduling Software
  • Mind Maps
  • Hootsuite (for scheduling social media post)
    These are just a few tools I use in my business for time management.

(Technology is always evolving. These are tools I’m currently using as of date of this post)

***Manage your time more effectively and know the true value of time. Because, either you run the day or the day will run you. Being successful in business and life is a combination of thinking the RIGHT way, doing the RIGHT things, and taking the RIGHT action Steps.


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Erica Mathews

Founder at -->
Erica Mathews is an entrepreneur, author, and business mentor. Helping people create passive income with digital marketing.

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