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Adanna Austin: Business In The Caribbean

By March 14, 2019March 13th, 2022Business

Article By Adanna Austin (Business Coach & Consultant) -featured in Jazzy Creative Magazine.

Doing Business In The Caribbean is quite different from doing business in the US or Europe.

It is laid back. The pace is much slower and there is less urgency to get things done generally. But doing business in the Caribbean as a woman takes a different sort of strength and tenacity. Because there is still the old boys club and the ‘who knows who’ syndrome unfortunately.

Women in business tend to be more aggressive. More cut throat. And that does not always auger well with clients, but it is exactly what is needed in order to be successful.

There are so many more women doing business in the Caribbean than there were maybe 10 or even 5 years ago. When I first officially started in my business in 2011, there were not many women who were doing business full time. Like me, many of them were still doing the side hustle. Making just extra money to survive.

My journey in business has not been smooth sailing. I have been overlooked and stepped on because I was a woman.

I had to learn quite early on that to be in business and to survive in business, I needed tough skin.

I learnt to stand my ground and speak up even if my opinion was not the most popular. I have learnt and I teach my clients to trust their gut and believe in themselves because it is through this unwavering belief that mountains will move.

These are some of the steps that I walk my clients through as a business coach

1. Start with your WHY. Why do you need (not want) to have this business? Why is this so important to you and what would your life look and feel like 10 years from now if you do not get this done right now?

2. Set a 90-day goal and then break it into smaller manageable steps. Why 90 days? Because you can visualize it and almost taste it. 12 months is too far away to create any real hunger in you.

3. Create a schedule by which each step needs to be done. Give yourself short deadlines for each task so you get it all done and you can celebrate all the small victories all the way to your big goal.

4. Do not multitask. Complete one task at a time. Why? Because doing 2 or 3 things like we have been trained to do especially as women confuses the brain and makes you tired. Completing 1 task at a time will allow you to focus and give 100% to every task that you complete.

5. Write it all down. Not on your computer but in a journal in black and white. Writing out your thoughts, goals and tasks increases the likelihood of it being accomplished.

This is the foundation on which your business should be built so that you are very clear WHY you are building your business 

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.

It starts with having a clear understanding of WHY you want to be in business and a greater understanding that it is not going to be easy and it can be very lonely along the way.

-Article By Adanna Austin


Adanna Austin is a business coach and consultant who works 1 on 1 with clients to develop realistic goals, identify their ideal clients and develop strategies to grow their business.

She has a keen passion to help others in business. She is your best friend and your biggest cheerleader all rolled into a 5 feet of awesomeness. Ready to meet her and start making a change in your life and business? Then check her out at Marketing Dynamics Business Solution:

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*Adanna Austin is featured in Jazzy Creative Magazine


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