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How To Create A “Daily MORNING Routine”

By July 29, 2021January 9th, 2022Personal Development

Having a “Daily MORNING Routine” is extremely important to your life and business. What you do on a daily basis can help increase your productivity, get more results, and maximize your day.
In this post, I will share with you some ideas to help develop a daily morning routine.

First, I try to plan my days the night before. This sets the tone for the following day and week. I create a To-Do List and say daily affirmations when I wake up and before I go to bed.

Here are a list of my Daily Morning Routines and also steps you can take to attract more success in your day…

1. Prayer & Meditation

I start each day with prayer and meditation. Meditating on a daily basis can be very beneficial. Helps to manage stress and helps you stay focused on your mission, vision, and purpose for the day. I prefer to mediate early in the morning while everything is peaceful and quiet. (Because once the work day starts and the phone starts ringing ,,,that’s it!) 🙂 Make time to quiet your mind so your creativity can blossom and grow. Visualize great outcomes for the day. I recommend that you meditate for at least 10-20 minutes a day (or, whatever works best for you). Your day will run much smoother.

2. Daily Affirmations & Visualization

I have several affirmations that I’ve written down and I say to myself daily. Believe it or not, your mindset plays a huge role to your success. Saying positive affirmations daily can help attract the results you desire in business and life.

If you need help crafting a self talk statement,,, Here is an example…

Self talk statement…..
“I am an amazing human being. My mind is clearer than it’s ever been. My mind has an incredible sense of discipline, focus, and follow through. My mind has an overwhelming desire to take action on the things that use to frighten me. I will live my life fully today realizing that I don’t know how many tomorrows I get”.

Create vision boards to visualize the things you want to attract in your life. Also, write in your gratitude journal things you are grateful for.

3. Drink Lots Of Water & Eat Right

Drinking plenty of water helps flush toxins from the body. Each morning, I drink a glass of lemon water or hot tea. Not only is it refreshing 1st thing in the morning, it also helps with weight loss.. Almost every organ in your body depends on proper hydration to function smoothly. Whether you’re drinking it, sweating, or bathing in it, water has been used to release toxins, and restore health. Eat a nutritional breakfast each morning.

4. Exercise Daily

Staying healthy and fit should be top priority. We all know that exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. During my work hours, I sit at my desk for several hours at a time. I make sure that I start my day with exercise and schedule in breaks to move around more.  One of my favorite exercise routines is Dance Fitness.  This gives me the pumped up energy I need to conquer my day.  Exercise improves flexibility, increase blood flow, and lifts your mood.

If you do not have much time to get out and go to the gym or do not have a collection of workout videos handy, you can workout from the comfort of your home. Install a Workout App on your smartphone or search for Youtube videos that teach workout routines. Choose your style of exercise such as yoga, cardio, stretching, weight lifting. Got to make sure we’re still able to fit those favorite jeans.

5. Green Smoothie/Juice

Get your nutrients in through juicing. Juicing is not only good for better health, but also great for the natural source of energy you need to conquer the day. Turning to a smoothie/juice 1st thing in the morning is a great way to jump start the day. You will notice a natural boost of energy. One of my favorite smoothies is Spinach, Kiwi, Green Apple, & Banana recipe. Yummy! Find your favorite juice/smoothie recipe and enjoy.

Here is a blog post I wrote: Juicing For Weightloss

6. Read Daily

Leaders are readers and life long learners.  Read books, blog post, or listen to audios on positive information that supports your goals.  I am a big fan of personal development, business/branding/marketing, design, and fitness. So, my library is filled with books and information on those topics to help me develop and grow. We need to work toward learning and improving ourselves daily.

7. Start Your Work Day

Develop daily success habits and a plan, then stick to it. For business owners, have a set schedule and clear plan of your daily methods of operations. It should include the time you start and finish work, the processes of how you manage and grow your business, and a list of the projects you are working on.

We all have the same amount of hours in a day. What we do with them is entirely up to us! Have a great day.



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Erica Mathews

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Erica Mathews is an entrepreneur, author, and business mentor. Helping people create passive income with digital marketing.

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