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The 3 C’s Of Life: Choice, Chance, Change

By September 26, 2016June 28th, 2020Personal Development

“You must make a choice, to take a chance, or your life will never change”. I love that quote. Believe it or not, these 3 C’s go hand and hand. We are born with the freedom of choice, and our choices create our lifestyles & life experiences. Choices, Chances, & Changes also have a big effect on our business. Because at some point, we have to make necessary changes in order to grow and be successful. We can not stay the same, we have to constantly evolve and grow.


Life is all about Choices. Decisions shape your destiny. We make our choices, then our choices make us. Choose wisely.

We have the choice to…

  • live by choice and not by chance.
  • make changes, not excuses.
  • be motivated, and not manipulated.
  • be happy, not bitter nor angry.
  • excel in life, and not compete.
  • listen to your inner voice, and not the opinion of others.

It’s not how you start in life, it’s how you choose to finish. For years…in the past, I was very unhappy with the way my life was going and I was not performing at my full potential to achieve the goals I wanted.  I knew deep down inside that there was much more to life. I felt miserable and unfulfilled. But, I decided to transform myself into the person that I desired to be. I took a step back to viewed the pattern of the choices I was making and things that were not working for me.  I started to change the way that I was doing things and also changed my thinking. This is when I started attracting the things I desired. So, what is really holding you back from achieving your dreams and goals? If the person you are today is not allowing you to get to where you want to be, you got to reinvent yourself.  In order to do this you have to make better choices.


When was the last time you tried something new? If you have a dream to do something great, do not allow the fear of failure to hold you back. Take a chance. Build up your confidence and go for it. Oprah once gave a statement,,, and it said…. “Oftentimes, I use to dwell on my temporary setbacks in life. We don’t fail, we only produce results from the decisions we choose. If it’s not the one we desire, change the course of action and try again. Then produce another result. There is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction”. ~Oprah

Fear and faith can not occupy the same two spaces. So, step out on faith. You have to believe that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to do. Never let the fear of failure keep you from trying new things.  Remember, amateurs built the ark.  Professionals built the Titanic.  Move out of your comfort zone and overcome the fear of failure. Entrepreneurs are risk takers… Take a chance!


The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. In order to achieve your goals and create the life that you want, you have change your mindset. But you want to let go of the things you can’t change and focus on the things you can.

Things you can change to make your life better…

  • Your Mindset
  • Bad Habits
  • Sometimes we have to change our friends (block negative folks)
  • Change your health

What part of your life needs to be improved? Decide exactly where you want to go in life and start moving in that direction. Invest in yourself and take control of your own destiny. Reset your mindset and change the game to start winning in life.

Everything you do today is preparing you for tomorrow.  So, make your dreams become a reality.  Don’t quit and don’t give up.  Failure is not an option.

So, stay inspired to succeed in both Life & Business. Improve everyday in every way.

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Erica Mathews

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Erica Mathews is an entrepreneur, author, and business mentor. Helping people create passive income with digital marketing.

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