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Social Media: 5 Ways To Build Your Audience

By August 30, 2016January 7th, 2022Business

There are so many social media networks available to us today, which I’m not saying is a bad thing at all. I love social media…..Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, just to name a few. I can remember the days when there use to be two maybe three social media channels to manage, but now social media has skyrocketed over the years.

Social Media is a great way to build meaningful connections, your network, and to get more exposure. And, also a tool to get your message out to a broader audience. Believe it or not, building relationships online can be quite easy when you put forth effort to add value to the market place, communicate, and connect with others.

But, in order to use social media effectively, manage your time, and get results, you must have a plan. Having the right plan and sometimes automation can save you time and make a huge difference in your social media strategy.

Yes, as business owners, one of our goals for using social media tools and social media marketing is to grow our business, right? But there is a way to go about doing it. Leading with value, engagement and a passion to help others will increase the chance to build lasting relationships with your audience.

Here Are 5 Ways To Build Your Audience/Relationships

1. Be Social

Building long term relationships is key. In your marketing plan, schedule time to be social with your target audience. Use social media to build relationships, meet new people and to grow your network. Determine your business goals and how you plan to use social media. In my opinion, it is not wise to be viewed as a pushy salesperson. If you are only using social media as an advertising bill-board, you could possibly hinder the chances of someone getting to know, like and trust you.

2. Engage With Others

Social media is a lot like dating.  To build long term relationships, take the time to listen to what your target audience is saying. Remember, social media is a two-way conversation.  Have you ever been in a conversation when only one person does all of the talking.  You can barely get a word in and waiting on your turn to jump into the conversation. That could be the way your prospects feel. (And by the way- I have been guilty of doing this exact thing. Having a whole lot to say. My husband nicely calls me a super talker, so I slowed down and started to listen more.) 🙂

Set some time in your schedule to actively engage with others. Let people see that you are a real person. Be yourself and you will attract the right people to you.  Listen more and talk less.

3. Reach Out To Others

When building relationships and your network online, it is a good idea to get involved in related communities.  Join Facebook groups, Google+ communities, Linkedin groups and Meetup groups in your local area is a great way to get started. Make the first move and be a conversation starter. Ask questions to find out the needs and wants of your target audience.  They will be glad to let you know.

4. Share and Provide Valuable Content

Share valuable information that will captivate someone, so they will want to learn more about you. When you create and share meaningful content on social media, is a great way to build trust.  Create educational and inspirational content that will help others improve and grow in their life. Share other people’s content that is relevant and that you think could also help and add value to your audience.  You can provide value via blog post, Facebook updates, photos, images and tweets.

5. Be Interesting and Have Fun

Do you agree that boring dates are the worst? Share interesting and fun stuff with your audience.  You don’t have to tell all your personal business, but make your conversations more human. Be creative when using social media to build connections online. I try to stay updated with the current things going on in my industry so I can use it as an educational tool.  Along with sharing business tips, find fun ways to inspire people to smile and be happy.

People want to get to know the real you, so make your first impression a lasting one and be unforgettable. 

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Erica Mathews

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Erica Mathews is an entrepreneur, author, and business mentor. Helping people create passive income with digital marketing.

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