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Resilience: How To Bounce Back When Overwhelmed

By August 29, 2016June 27th, 2020Personal Development

Resilience is our ability to bounce back from the stresses of life. It’s the ability to recover quickly after encountering a hardship, a setback, or other types of adversity.

We all experience disruptions or distractions at certain points in our lives and may feel that we’ve been pushed to the edge. You may have unexpected events to occur in your life such as health challenges, financial setbacks, feeling the overwhelmed of raising your children, a divorce, the loss of a job, or even the loss of a loved one.

As entrepreneurs, you may be feeling overwhelmed due to certain responsibilities and the stress of your daily to-dos. But, the good news is that tough times don’t last, but tough people do. Nobody became great without facing some type of challenges. So, seize the moment, learn from it, then move forward making the best of it.

Here are ways to bounce back and increase your Resilience

1. Pump Up Your Positivity

Having a positive attitude gives us power over any circumstance instead of our circumstances having power over us. Fuel your positive emotions with the things that inspire you. Such as music, traveling, look at positive images and quotes on social media, and even positive self talk. Surround yourself with positive people that motivates you, inspires you and increase your energy.

2. Focus

Maintaining focus and mental clarity is a job by itself. Especially with all of the distractions all around us on a daily basis. Focus on the most important task of the day and get them done.  Spend your time wisely and have the ability to solve problems. Resilient people look at the problem, then search for a solution.

3. Manage Your Stress

While it can be difficult to stay calm during times of hardship, stress can slow down your ability to remain resilient. Managing stress will allow you to tackle the difficulties with greater focused thinking instead of ignoring the situation. Make stress management a priority, no matter how busy you are.

4. Reach Out For Support

You don’t have to go through tough times alone. It is necessary to have others that you can call on in time of need. Family, friends, and support groups are very helpful to help you with resilience. Have a support network around you at all times.

5. Have A Sense Of Humor

Humor helps to gain perspective during hard times. Try to look at the bright side of things. Stress and overwhelm not only affects your ability to get things done, it also affects your overall health. So, having a sense of humor improves your sense of well being. Try not to take things so seriously and laugh more.


Never give up-don’t be defeated. I admire people who choose to Shine even after all the storms they’ve been through. So, keep moving forward, keep pushing, keep evolving. Push through obstacles instead of running away from them.

Have the mindset of a rubber band, whip back into shape quickly. People don’t drown by falling in the water, they drown because they decide to stay there-they dwell on the situation. You think winning is tough, try failing. Life doesn’t get easier, we get stronger and more resilient.

~Maya Angelo once said “I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it”.

So today, push the reset button. Rise up and attack the day with enthusiasm. Stay inspired to succeed in both Life & Business. Be resilient and bounce back after feeling overwhelm.

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Erica Mathews

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Erica Mathews is an entrepreneur, author, and business mentor. Helping people create passive income with digital marketing.

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