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Twitter is one of the top social media sites today and is a way to instantly get the message out about your product, service, or idea. Twitter is a powerful communication tool because tweets can quickly go viral spreading information across social media. Twitter is not a strategy, it is a tool.  The value you get out of twitter depends on the time and effort you put in.

As a beginner, don’t be intimidated if you only have a few followers at first. Your goal is to build up your twitter presence. The best way to build your base followers is to participate in discussions that are already going on in your field of interest. Your audience will grow once you provide valuable, helpful information. The name of the game is to build relationships and build your community.  Share information, give value, request friends then possibly they will follow back.

10 Tips I have discovered on my journey to tweeting

1.  Think before you tweet. Twitter is a real-time messaging system that is visible to massive amounts of people. Make sure that your goal is to tweet information for other’s to share.

2. Ask yourself these 3 simple questions: Who are you trying to reach on Twitter?  What is your message?  What are you trying to accomplish? Your twitter strategy must be based on the people you are trying to reach.

3.  Use less than 140 characters: Twitter is a mini blog so try to craft your message in 140 characters or less.  Shrink your URL so that others will have room to retweet your message. Use tools such as to shorten a long website name so that you will have more room to share information.

4.  Engage with other people to broaden your social circle.  If you are a private person and do not like communicating with others, then Twitter may not be the platform for you. Remember that social media is about people and building relationships.

5. Add your picture or your brand logo to your profile.  People like to know who they are communicating with.  Give a brief description of who you are and what you do in your twitter bio.

6. Be yourself.  Be polite.  Be interesting. Be brief.

7.  Do not spam.  A quick way to get the boot and unfollowed is to spam. Do not constantly direct message people with links.  Don’t flood your followers news feed with a bunch of advertisements.  Space your promotions with value and some helpful tips.

8.  Follow back.  When someone follows you, follow back (to a certain degree).  Not everyone agree with this point, but remember that twitter is about conversations and building relationships. Follow back people who are interesting to you and your business goals… and also relevant in your industry.

9.  Engage, engage, engage, then Repeat. If you are not talking, then no one is going to listen. Be sociable.

10.  Be yourself and add a twist of humor.  Create fun and interesting post.

Twitter terms:

Tweet:  a post status update
RT:  RT stands for retweet.
DM:  direct message
Hash Tag(#): used to mark keywords or topics

Once you have nailed down these basic tips, then you are set and ready to start tweeting away.

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Erica Mathews

Founder at -->
Erica Mathews is an entrepreneur and content creator. She loves all things travel, fashion, business, fitness, and inspiration.

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